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Quiet the Mind

for persistent pain, anxiety & worry

Quiet mind
Guided Relaxation

Guided Relaxation

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"This course was very helpful to learn to calm my mind and to recognize the separation of my self and my mind. I learned how to step back and see my anxiety for what it was and to separate myself from it. I really liked the small group setting with the breakdown of the class. The class sitting part before the physical practice was a good way to combine the two." Claire Freisenhausen   

Scroll down for more testimonials. 

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Learn practices that you can apply in your daily life to elevate your mood and reduce body tension, persistent pain, anxiety and worry.


This is a combination of sitting practice, lecture/discussion, gentle movement and guided relaxation. Mp3 files are emailed to participants at the end of each class with a summary of the exercises and discussion.  REVIEWS

"The quickest way to regain control of your mind is to separate yourself from it".  - Harry Palmer

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QM testimonials

What Others Say

Yoga for anxiety and stress

"I wanted to thank you again for running the course for just the two of us. The one thing I forgot to mention in the evaluation that was an unexpected outcome was this: I feel much less compulsive when it comes to eating.  Rosanne Barr once said “I’ve never met a donut I didn’t like”.  I am a bit like that.  I love to graze.  Nibble this and that.  Life is one big smorgasbord of food.  Since taking the course I really feel more in control of that compulsion.  Since this has been something lifelong for me, the course is the only thing I can say is different." Nancy Lance

"Learned to focus on one thought or idea at one time. Enjoyed the calm, relaxed setting and small class size." Jack Lance

"I expected to learn how to meditate but learned more than that. I now understand that I am not my mind and to separate me and "the voice"." Nancy Lance

Yoga for anxiety and stress

 Joanne, I had to tell you that I think last weeks session of the quiet mind series is simply great, good for everyone I would think, especially the going backwards through your week after doing the one two etc, I find it a very stimulating challenge, frustrating at first becoming an enjoyable fun thing to do. Thank you for all your gentle guidance through this programme, I look forward to the last session next week. I hope my mind is good enough to keep me doing it, bringing it into my daily life as yoga is now..." Chris Ellinger, 75

"I loved how relaxed I felt after a class. Thank you! Thank you! The sessions went by very quick :)" Shelley Rentner


"I am just finishing Joanne's Relax the Body, Quiet the Mind sessions. She is a knowledgeable, approachable teacher who clearly loves helping others. The audio files she shared will continue to help those of us who shared in her classes." Sheila Lynne Smith, Nov. 4, 2017

"The guidance you gave us was wonderful. Most valuable thing learned was how to breathe properly, that the mind should not control us and separating emotions from thoughts and how to quiet the chatter in my head. Program exceeded my expectations in that I wasn't sure what to exprect. I will be able to practice these exercises forever!" Lani

"The classes reminded me of the role of breathing in keeping us mindful. My insomnia has lessened. I liked the balance of activities and the chance for lots of input and feedback where appropriate." Sheila Balls

"Most valuable things learned: that we control our minds, breathng exercises, how our breathing affects our nervous system. I loved how relaxed I felt after attending. Thank you! Thank you! The sessions went by very quick :)."  Shelley Rentner :)

Yoga for anxiety and stress

"Challenging, worth it, calming, helpful, and grounding." Alicia Marshall 

"Friendly, beneficial, practical for everyday life." Sylvia Heckmann

"The follow up emails and audio recordings impressed me." Susan Lee 

​"It was very easy to understand each session and it has been helpful in developing relaxation techniques. I would like a follow-up course. " Anna Tomlinson, 54 

"I liked the calming effect the series had on my busy mind. The benefits of the techniques learned are very useful. It has helped me calm myself in stressful situations and has lowered my blood pressure into the optimal range for my age without the use of medication. The series surpassed my expectations." Maureen Hussey

"This course was very helpful to learn to calm my mind and to recognize the separation of my self and my mind. I learned how to step back and see my anxiety for what it was and to separate myself from it. I really liked the small group setting with the breakdown of the class. The class sitting part before the physical practice was a good way to combine the two." Claire Freisenhausen

"I gained an understanding that I can calm my physical body and how I can do that. I am more aware of my tensions and what it feels like to be relaxed; learned to take deep breaths to calm. I like the info sent to us - helps me remember what we learn and the exercises. I like the stretches too..."

"I gained the ability to clear and calm my mind through concentration on breathing exercises. Simple and portable - can be used anywhere. The program was very helpful in calming and clearing my mind of a lot of needless distractions. I was very pleased with the program and the follow-up emails and weekly exercises. They were very beneficial and useful as a daily discipline." Paul Midgley, 70

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